Chihuly Gardens
Chihuly Gardens
The Spheres
The Spheres
The Spheres
The Spheres
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The Spheres

The Spheres are a place where Amazon employees can think and work differently surrounded by plants.

The Spheres are a result of innovative thinking about the character of a workplace and an extended conversation about what is typically missing from urban offices– a direct link to nature. The Spheres are home to more than 40,000 plants from the cloud forest regions of over 30 countries.

The Spheres
2101 7th Avenue
Seattle, WA 98121

In addition to the Amazon HQ Tours, visitors can access The Spheres on open house dates, please check the website for details:


There are too many plants at The Spheres to pick a favorite. I often start my day with a quick walk around the building to see how the Scheffleras, Notofagus and magnificent Dicksonias are holding up. Then I proceed inside The Spheres to check on some favorite plants including Chamaedorea tuerkheimii, AKA the “Potato Chip” Palm and the wonderful, very pet-able, trichome-covered Begonia sizemoreae from Vietnam. These remind me of the generosity of the horticulture world and how grateful I am to be part of putting together an amazing space for people to connect with nature.

Ron Gagliardo, Sr. Manager of Horticulture, Amazon Spheres

Forty thousand tropical plants from all over the globe creates a true jungle experience. There's even a 49 foot tall Ficus rubiginosa looking as if it's been growing in the spheres for years.  If you’re especially lucky, you might even get to see (or should I say smell) a 350 pound corpse flower (Amorphophallus titanum) in full bloom!

Ciscoe Morris, author, speaker