Shortia at the Elisabeth C Miller Botanical Garden
Rhododendron Species Foundation stumpery
Rhododendron Species Foundation conservatory and greenhouse
Rhododendron Species Foundation
Rhododendron Species Foundation
Rhododendron Species Foundation terrace
Rhododendron Species Foundation woodland
Rhododendron Species Foundation meconopsis
Rhododendron Species Foundation woodland
Rhododendron Species Foundation carciocrinums
Rhododendron Species Foundation
Rhododendron Species Botanical Garden
Rhododendron Species Foundation stumpery
Rhododendron Species Foundation conservatory and greenhouse
Rhododendron Species Foundation
Rhododendron Species Foundation
Rhododendron Species Foundation terrace
Rhododendron Species Foundation woodland
Rhododendron Species Foundation meconopsis
Rhododendron Species Foundation woodland
Rhododendron Species Foundation carciocrinums
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Rhododendron Species Botanical Garden

The Rhododendron Species Botanical Garden, located between Seattle and Tacoma, is a 22-acre woodland garden that is home the largest collection of Rhododendron species in the world. Visitors will experience a diverse botanical collection in a forest of Douglas fir, western red cedar, hemlock and other native plants. The garden is also home to beautiful companion plants, including the famous Himalayan Blue Poppies, Camellias, Magnolias, Japanese maples, and many rare plants. Open year-round during visiting hours, our nursery sells many of the plants you’ll see in the garden.

Plants occasionally available for sale.

Rhododendron Species Botanical Garden
2525 S 336th St.
Federal Way, WA 98003

Visit their website,


This garden contains the largest collection of Rhododendrons in the world. Although the best time to see this 22 acre garden is when it's alight with colorful Rhododendron flowers in spring, there are all sorts of beautiful specimen plants to keep this garden interesting in every season.  The stumpery was one of the first in Washington, and the conservatory is home to a collection of tropical vireya Rhododendrons.

Ciscoe Morris, author, speaker

Thirty-three acres of woodland garden feature the largest collection of species (wild) rhododendrons in the world. Peak bloom time is Feb-Apr, but there is so much more! The Conservatory has high altitude tropical rhododendrons (Vireyas) in bloom all year. There are maples, magnolias, camellias, conifers, Himalayan plants (Meconopsis and Cardiocrinum giganteum) and the Hardy Fern collection. The Victorian Stumpery is a rare sight. There is always something amazing growing.  You feel like you’re walking through a Himalayan forest any time of the year!

Chip Muller, RSBG past president, VP