Shortia at the Elisabeth C Miller Botanical Garden
Heronswood Gardens, potager, Kingston, WA
Heronswood carpinus hedge
Heronswood potager
Heronswood double border
Heronswood driveway
Heronswood erythronium
Heronswood fall color
Heronswood late summer
Heronswood rodgersia
Heronswood woodland
Cardiocrinums at Heronswood
Heronswood back garden
Heronswood carpinus hedge
Heronswood potager
Heronswood double border
Heronswood driveway
Heronswood erythronium
Heronswood fall color
Heronswood late summer
Heronswood rodgersia
Heronswood woodland
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In 2012, the Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe purchased Heronswood at auction, and the rebirth and revealing of the now overgrown landscape began. Though many of the original plants that comprised the garden were lost during the period of neglect, many important collections have been recovered, while an exciting inventory of new plants recently collected by Hinkley’s ongoing plant exploration—from China, Vietnam, Chile, Myanmar, New Zealand and Tasmania—are already settled into their new home. The current staff of Heronswood Garden and the managing Port Gamble S’Klallam Foundation, not wishing to simply recreate a monument to the past, are committed to making a new Heronswood with a greater polish and botanical wonderment than its original fore bearer.

Plants occasionally available for sale.

7530 NE 288th St.
Kingston, WA 98346

Visit their website at


I remember Heronswood as a lyrical place, passionate, inspired, full of beauty. In these acres, Dan Hinkley’s extraordinary life as collector, gardener and nurseryman is laid out to glorious effect. He is a rare man and this is an exceptional creation.

Anna Pavord, garden columnist, author, The Tulip, Landskipping

The Port Gamble S'Klallam Tribe purchased Hersonswood in an effort to diversify business, develop sustainable tourism and preserve natural areas that can bring people together and teach about the natural world. The tribe is proud of the work of Dan Hinkley and the incredible collection of plants he has brought to the garden. Garden areas, art work and programming have been developed to celebrate tribal culture and help connect tribal members to the land. We are proud to share Heronswood with the public and welcome our guests with true S'Klallam hospitality.

Kelly Sullivan, Executive Director, Port Gamble S'Klallam Tribe

PNW is very fortunate to have one of the greatest plantsmen of all time. It’s a hotbed. Dan Hinkley in partnership with Robert Jones through Heronswood and Windcliff have taken horticulture in North America and the world to another level. Dan’s influence as a plantsman, and communicator has spread throughout – bringing the magic of places far and mysterious into our gardens. He has made it possible for adventurous gardeners to have adventurous plants and inspired many to garden in a certain way and we have all benefited from this.

Fergus Garrett, director, Great Dixter

This world class garden has been restored and is now even more spectacular than when it was the display garden for Heronswood nursery. Not only have many of the original plant collections been saved, an amazing array of new rarities collected by Dan Hinkley have been added to the garden. There are so many unusual plants, only Dan can possibly know what they all are.

Ciscoe Morris, Author, Speaker